Saturday, April 4, 2009

Brian and Ethan are off to visit a dairy as part of a scouts outing, and Corinne is taking a nap. So here I am, left to my own devices. Oh, how shall I pass the time? By meticulously cleaning my house, which sorely needs it? Oh heavens no!! I am wasting my time trolling the internet, of course. We had a doosie (sp?) of a week, which was punctuated on April 1st by a letter Brian received at work. I really wish it had been an April Fool's joke, but, alas, no. It was just a memo outlining Channel 6's "pay reduction program." Basically Brian will be making 6% less every bi-weekly pay period, which means we will be losing about $170 a month before taxes. Add this to the fact that he would be making less anyway since he recently added me to his insurance, and you can see where we might be panicking a little. By no means are we entering brown shorts territory, but I admit we are very, very concerned. Brian thinks we'll have enough to pay bills and buy food, but after our little house debacle our savings is significantly diminished, and we're really going to have to watch things. I am worried, to say the least. My biggest fear is that the company is closer than we think to going under, and any day Brian will lose his job. I mean, we're smart people, we should be okay, right? Well, right now there are a lot of smart people looking for jobs, and I'm scared to think what might happen. You would think this is where my faith in God would kick in, but it seems the harder I pray for things to be okay the worse things get. Since Wednesday I've really be resorting to comfort things, like eating frosting out of the can, and watching The Princess Bride. I'm such a dork. Wednesday was the worse day because Brian and I both ended the day in tears. Thursday was a bit better, because Brian and I rallied together and decided that as long as we had our family then everything will be okay, a real "us against the world" kind of moment. Friday and today we're getting back to normal, I think.

1 comment:

Pezlady Jana said...

Oh Gretchen! I am so sorry! I will be praying for you and your family that all will be well. It is so hard during these times to stay afloat let alone get a pay cut! Yikes!!